
  • visit the new expanded Martindale's Natural Market

  • organic apples

  • late summer horse at Martindale's exterior

Come and visit your local, independent, brick-and-mortar, natural food store serving friendly Springfield in Delaware County, Philadelphia, and the Main Line. Martindale’s Natural Market welcomes you.

Map your route here. We’re now open until 9 pm Mon – Saturday. Closed Sunday for the Lord’s Day!

Do you like to shop in the natural aisle at your local supermarket? Now imagine an entire local market full of all-natural products! You can find items you’ve only seen online at big box stores right here serving Philly and all of Delaware County.

See it, hold it, buy it.

Read the label. Hold the product. Our staff is friendly and willing to help you. Beyond that, we’re getting smarter every day as we, too, learn more about healthy living and eating. Talk to us! It’s probable that someone here has experience with your health and wellness question.




3.7/5 (96 Reviews)

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Mon - Fri: 8 am - 9 pm
Sat: 9 am - 9 pm
Closed Sunday for the Lord's Day


1172 Baltimore Pike
Springfield, PA 19064
Phone: (610) 543-6811
Toll Free: (866) 884-8582
Fax: (610) 544-2310

Payment methods accepted:

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