Vitamin D Test Kit


We’re told to gauge our vitamin D supplement usage via a scientific reading of our individual nutrient levels in a real-life blood test. Your doctor might do this routinely every once in a while though you may think it’s not often enough. Perhaps you’ve been taking 2,000, 5,000, or 10,000 IU of D3 for some time and now would like to know if you’ve reached your goal. Achieve your target vitamin D level accurately by using Carlson Vitamin D Test Kit right from home.

vitamin D test kit finger prick to test D level

No Guarantees on D

Of course, vitamin D is coming at you in a variety of ways, not just from supplements.

Human skin transforms sunbeam rays into D. That is to say, if you’re exposing enough skin, during the right latitudes, during the correct seasons. Additionally, you can get vitamins, like D, in your breakfast, lunch, or dinner. There are no guarantees that your levels will rise sufficiently even if you add supplementation into the mix. Testing reveals this, too.

By measuring your own blood with the vitamin D testing kit, you can now know if your D level has improved over time. Has it reached a desirable 30-100 ng/mL range? Armed with true knowledge, make science-based decisions based on accurate readings of the nutrient in your blood. See if your health goals are met — with personalized blood tests. Test it yourself from home with the personalized kit. It’s easy!


Test Vitamin D Level at Home

Here’s how the kit works:

  1. collect a blood sample via a finger pinprick
  2. mail it to the address included
  3. results arrive via email in 2-4 weeks

If your vitamin D is low, lifestyle recommendations may be made. Test every 3-4 months as it takes a few months to see results from your efforts.

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These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.