
Senior couple running in park

Nutrients Help Build Muscle Mass in Adults

Muscle mass and strength naturally decline with age. In this study, 42 healthy adults, ages 55 to 70, took a placebo, or 1,500 mg of l-carnitine with or without 2,000 mg of l-leucine, 3,000 mg creatine…

vitamin d for this couple

Healthy Vitamin D: H-Pylori and Metabolic Syndrome

Vitamin D improves gut health and reduces chances for metabolic syndrome Healthy Gut Because vitamin D has many positive effects on the body, doctors wanted to study vitamin D and gut health. In this pilot study,…


In Honor of Bill Martindale

Bill Martindale, a previous owner of Martindale’s Natural Market, has passed on to his eternal reward with his Lord Jesus Christ on November 18th, 2017.   With a lifetime of healthy choices, he lived to just shy of a hundred…

happy diabetic woman

The Diabetes-Nutrition Connection

November is Diabetes Awareness month, a good time to take stock of ways you can prevent this debilitating disease or reduce its effects if you already have it. More than 30 million people in the United…

mom fishing with daughter

Breast Cancer Nutritional Update

Breast Cancer Awareness Month reminds us to tune in to what we can do to help prevent breast cancer. Whether you’re primarily thinking of some special person in your life such as your mom, sister, or friend…

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Prediabetic? Think Zinc

The country of Bangladesh has one of the lowest zinc deficiencies in its soil in all of Asia. No wonder the people are poor. Crops cannot be grown without this vital mineral.   The same is…

Little Girl Picking Peaches

That’s Just Peachy

Nothing says summer quite like a ripe, juicy, sweet peach. Go ahead – take a bite and savor that luscious burst of blossomy, fruity flavor. Add them to your favorite salads or if it’s not too…


Turmeric Powder is Not Just For The Taste Buds

Turmeric is a perennial plant (Curcuma longa) of the ginger family native to India. The powdered turmeric root is a truly amazing herb popularly used as a spice in many delicious recipes as well as an…

egg pancakes

The Incredible and Nutritious Egg

All Local Eggs Getting ready to weather a long day at work? Everyone wants to start their day with a healthy nutritious breakfast that will sustain you until the lunch hour. Before you start your day…

Garlic–Nature’s Medicine

Celebrate your love of garlic by learning some interesting facts about this vegetable. There is much to be learned about garlic, its history, what it can do for your body and how to use it. Did…