Fresh Local Raw Milk
Fresh Local Milk
Experience full-fat healthy local milk whether raw or pasteurized, cow’s milk or goat’s milk. Recall fond childhood memories. Thoughtfully ponder the joys of drinking an ice-cold glass of delicious milk. Just add cookies! Now discover the many benefits that milk from local farms offers. What’s more, you can get it conveniently in Springfield – no trip to the farm is necessary. Our dairy farmers know what they’re doing! Bring some home and taste the difference.
Local Raw Milk
We are fortunate to be in Pennsylvania, a state that permits raw milk sales. Is local raw milk good for you? We think so and are happy to offer it weekly. Raw milk comes from grass-fed cows and is unpasteurized and unhomogenized. This means it is overflowing with natural enzymes, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. It comes fresh, right from our local Pennsylvania farmers. Get some right here in the store.
Grass Fed Milk
Grass fed is good for the cows, good for the environment, and good for us! Cows that exclusively eat grass make especially nutritious milk. The animals are humanely raised and encouraged to free-range for their preferred food: grass. Grass-fed milk has been studied for its high CLA content as well as Omega 3. In contrast, it is low in not-so-good omega-6 fatty acids. Grass fed cows are also beneficial to farmers. They get easy lawn care maintenance and it costs less for them to have cows eating grass that grows naturally vs. paying for loads of diesel fuel to bring in feed from elsewhere. Overall, grass fed milk is simply delicious and nutritious!
Got chocolate? We do! We also carry lovely grass fed raw chocolate milk and local organic milk that isn’t raw, too.
Meet The Farmers
Local Raw Cow’s Milk
- Dutch Meadows – USDA Certified Organic local A2A2 raw milk in returnable glass bottles or non-returnable plastic. Milk comes from Dutch Belted breed cows.
- Wholesome Dairy – easier-to-digest A2A2 raw milk naturally produced from Ayrshire Scottish Brown cows. Wholesome Dairy uses a soil regenerative approach to dairy grazing, which makes their farming unique. Grab some of their kefir, too! Though not raw, it is delicious.
Try them all and discover how different varieties of cows can yield different fat content and taste in your glass of milk. Notice the rich, cream line forming as the milk is whole and unchanged straight from the farm. Our local farmers prioritize allowing the cows to pasture out in God’s beautiful sunshine as they eat lush green grass. As always, there are no hormones or antibiotics used in normal production.
Milk bottled in glass comes in returnable bottles. Just pay for the milk and a deposit for the glass. Then bring back the clean empty glass for your deposit money back. Alternatively, choose recyclable plastic milk containers. Find half gallons and gallons of raw cow’s milk sourced from local farmers.
Raw Goat Milk
- Swiss Villa Farm
In addition to cow’s milk, we offer local, grass-fed, grain-free raw goat milk in the refrigerated case. Fresh whole goat milk, produced with chemical-free farming techniques, tastes so much better than a carton that was packaged who-knows-when. GMO-free, soy-free, and freely pastured. Get the benefits of raw milk in easily digested goat milk.
Pasteurized Goat Milk
- Liberty View Creamery
Find local, pasteurized goat milk fresh from local farms. Liberty View Creamery doesn’t use rBST or other production stimulants on their precious goats. These goats are grass-fed plus supplemented with natural, soy-free feed. Right from the local nanny to your refrigerator!
Not surprisingly, many families with small children who have cow’s milk allergies are seeking alternatives. Give the nourishment of quality goat milk to your kids (no pun intended).

Dan, Perishables Manager
Uses of Raw Milk
Raw milk can be used for daily drinking, cooking, and creating magic in the kitchen. Add a little to your cereal, or try making your own cheese, butter, or yogurt at home. Even after it starts to sour, there is still a myriad of uses. It is especially great for biscuits!
Raw goat milk is sought after for families wanting to provide the most natural milk for babies, toddlers, and kids. Additionally, goat’s milk for dogs is extremely popular. And as always, fresh is best! Your doggie will agree. Do your own research and see what’s best for your family or pet.
Let our Fridge and Freezer manager assist you with buying the natural milk that best suits your needs!