Fighting B12 Deficiency
B12 is one of eight B vitamins and is one of the most important for your overall health. Typically found in meat and other animal products, it is involved in a large number of biological processes. It is crucial for the normal function of both the circulatory system and nervous systems. B12 deficiencies can result in weakness, neuropathy, fatigue, anemia, and, in the worst cases, damage to the brain. Don’t go lacking. Get enough from food or supplements. It is also important for mothers carrying babies, as insufficient levels can lead to neural tube defects in the child.

B12 supplements in 100, 500, and 5000 mcg strength or the popular liquid B12 formula.
B12 is the most chemically complex vitamin required by humans, and the only one that we cannot make ourselves. As we get older, or if we are taking certain medications, our ability to absorb B12 is reduced. Vegans and vegetarians are especially at risk of B12 deficiency, as they do not eat meat. As a result, it is estimated that 62% of adults over 65 are experiencing B12 deficiency and that 86.5% of vegetarians are deficient.
One of the most notable symptoms of B12 deficiency is a lack of energy. Your body’s cells need B12 to function. Without it, they cannot circulate oxygen correctly, which leads to feelings of fatigue and weakness. Do you feel like you’re always tired, regardless of how much sleep you got or how much caffeine you consume? The answer could be rooted in B12. Boosting your B12 levels can be a great way to get your energy back to normal.
For those who suspect they are experiencing a B12 deficiency, or who simply want to top up their levels of this essential vitamin, supplements can be a great idea.
B12 supplements come in many forms – it’s important to choose the one that’s right for you. The more B12 deficient you are, the more you should take.
What Type of B12 is Best?
Most people are probably familiar with B12 supplements in the form of pills and tablets. Seriously consider the highly absorbed version that goes under the tongue. All those blood vessels take the nutrient in readily and they taste good, too. Choose your dosage depending on your dietary needs.
B12 is consumed in two different forms. The first, methylated B12, is the one typically found in nature. When you eat eggs, meat, or dairy, this is the B12 you are getting.
The second form is called cyanocobalamin. This is the form found in the majority of B12 supplements. The two different forms of B12 are largely identical, but you may prefer one or the other, think “methyl”. This is especially so as the methylated form is already converted to actionable use in the body. Studies have also suggested that the two may be absorbed and retained differently by our bodies. Methylated B12 is often the better choice as it is ready to absorb and be utilized right from the start.
Choosing the B12 for You
Fortunately, Solgar provides a wealth of choices and dosage options – from 100 mcg all the way up to 5,000 mcg, methylated and non-methylated. This enables you to choose the dosage that fits your needs. The vegan caplets are gluten and dairy-free, and easy to digest.
Not a fan of swallowing pills? Give sub-lingual liquid B12 with B Complex a try. It’s a liquid that you take right under your tongue. It’s a great alternative for folks who don’t enjoy the traditional method of taking vitamins. In addition to 2,000 mg of cyanocobalamin B12, the liquid features the 5 other B vitamins; riboflavin, niacin, B1, folate, and B6. Liquid B Complex makes it easy to adjust the dosage; simply take more or less of the liquid as needed. Due to the high quantity of blood vessels under the tongue, liquid B12 absorbs into the bloodstream more quickly than a capsule, so you can feel the effects right away. This is especially an advantage for folks who find they don’t absorb solid-form B supplements well.
Concerned that you might be experiencing B12 deficiency? Ensure you don’t go too low by watching your diet or taking the right vitamins. Stop by the supplement section and we’ll help sort you out.
Visit to Buy Vitamin B12
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