Black Seed – Source of Thymoquinone

Black Seed (Nigella sativa) is an annual plant in the Buttercup family (Ranunculaceae). Used in many cultures as early as 3000 B.C. by both the Assyrians and ancient Egyptians. Since, it has been utilized both as a dietary supplement, a drug, and as food. A key component, thymoquinone, is valued around the world to this day.

Despite being known as Black Cumin Seed, it is not a relative of cumin in the carrot family, at all! The plant grows best in Turkey (the genetic source,) Northern Africa, and the Middle East. The plant grows best with full sun exposure and in hotter temperatures. Cleopatra is said to have used the oil as a beautification aid.

Famously, it is said to be good for everything but death itself. Today, Nigella sativa is celebrated around the world for its immune, digestive, cardiovascular, healthy blood sugar, and respiratory support among many other characteristics. Many use it topically to support a healthy response to pain.

Black Seed has a unique phytochemical profile that is rich in essential fatty acids, and terpenes including thymoquinone, p-cymene, nigellone, carvacrol, and alpha-pinene. Nature has imbued the plant with B vitamins, trace minerals, and vitamin E. There have been over 1000 clinical studies over the last 60 years supporting the many health benefits and uses of black seed.

thymoquinone black seed oil liquid and softgels

What are the Health Benefits?

Black Seed and its expressed oil offer an array of benefits to the human body by supporting the function of our bodily systems and organs.* The many uses are so vast, and impactful, it is a mainstay in many people’s daily regimen. Recommended taking a teaspoon or more with every meal.

It is said to support the endocrine system, oral health, hair, skin, and nails, reproductive health, a healthy detoxification response, energy and physical power, neurological support and a healthy response to radiation. Studies are ongoing and some focus on the thymoquinone component. It is good for all ages and pets, too.


Why Choose North American Herb & Spice?

Since 1997, North American Herb & Spice supplies an exclusively heirloom Turkish source, which is the highest quality compared to other sources tested. This incredible oil is always freshly cold-pressed, immediately following its harvest, even in the same location they are harvested, preserving all the beneficial properties.

Available as 100% pure black seed oil and in a variety of options and sizes based on specific needs, such as soft gels enhanced with synergetic wild spice oils, high absorption drops, and a powerful cardiac formula strengthened with pomegranate and muscadine grape.

Importantly, incoming imported raw materials are never allowed to receive radiation treatment, which is common practice. The resulting product is a pure, fresh, highly aromatic Turkish oil locally pressed for the best results. It is time-tested and backed by rigorous quality testing standards from seed to bottle. The resulting antioxidants, flavonoids, and polyphenol potency both enhances and complements the resulting black seed thymoquinone supplements to achieve desired wellness goals.


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