Choosing Organic Produce Over Non-Organic

Choosing organic produce over non-organic has become crucial for many health-conscious individuals. At Martindale’s Natural Market, we are passionate about providing our community with fresh, local, organic, and affordable produce. Eating cleaner and limiting our pesticide intake is more important now than ever. Let’s explore why organic produce is healthier and how it can benefit you and your family.

The problem with non-organic produce is the pervasive presence of pesticides. These chemicals, used to protect crops from pests and diseases, often remain on fruits and vegetables even after washing. According to the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) 2024 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™, about 75% of non-organic fruits and vegetables in the U.S. contain potentially toxic agricultural chemicals. The EWG found that more than 90% of samples of strawberries, apples, cherries, spinach, nectarines, and grapes tested positive for residues of two or more pesticides. These findings highlight the significant exposure consumers have to multiple pesticides.

The interaction of different pesticides in our bodies is a significant concern. There’s limited data on how these chemicals mix and potentially amplify each other’s health risks. However, existing studies suggest that when combined, pesticides can be toxic at lower levels than when they are present alone. Some pesticides have well-documented health risks, especially for children more vulnerable to harmful effects. Unfortunately, regulatory bodies often evaluate pesticides individually, not considering the cumulative burden on consumers.

What can you do to protect yourself and your family? Knowledge is power, and Martindale’s Natural Market is here to empower you with information.


Top Offenders from the Dirty Dozen List:

  1. Strawberries: The average American consumes about eight pounds of fresh strawberries annually, often laden with pesticides linked to cancer and reproductive damage.
  2. Spinach: While nutritious, spinach is also one of the most pesticide-contaminated vegetables.
  3. Kale, Collard, and Mustard Greens: More than half of kale samples contain potentially cancer-causing pesticides.
  4. Grapes: Commonly consumed and frequently found with pesticide residues.
  5. Peaches: Known for high pesticide contamination.
  6. Pears: Regularly ranked among the most pesticide-laden fruits.
  7. Nectarines: Another fruit to be cautious with due to high pesticide levels.
  8. Apples: Often treated with chemicals post-harvest.
  9. Bell and Hot Peppers: These peppers have multiple pesticide residues.
  10. Cherries: Frequently found with pesticide residues.
  11. Blueberries: Another fruit with concerning levels of pesticides.
  12. Green Beans: Notably contaminated by a pesticide banned by the EPA over a decade ago.

At Martindale’s Natural Market, we pride ourselves on offering fresh, local, and affordable organic fruits and vegetables. Our commitment to 100% organic produce ensures you and your family can access the healthiest, safest food options available. We believe informed choices can lead to a healthier, more vibrant community.

When that is not possible, consider the “Clean Fifteen” list, which includes produce with the lowest pesticide residues. These are safer options if you can only sometimes buy organic. The Clean Fifteen includes carrots, sweet potatoes, mangoes, mushrooms, watermelon, cabbage, kiwi, honeydew melon, asparagus, sweet peas (frozen), papaya, onions, pineapple, sweet corn, and avocados.

Visit Martindale’s Natural Market today to explore our diverse selection of organic produce. Discover the positive impact that fresh, clean, and safe food can make in your life. Your journey to better health starts with the choices you make, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.